Choosing the Right Indoor Plant Systems for Your Home or Office

Regardless of the space you live or work in, there’s always an opportunity to enjoy indoor vertical plants. There are many factors within an indoor environment (natural light, size, humidity, etc.) that can play a role in choosing the right plants. Not to mention, ones that may offer more of a benefit to help brighten a sterile work environment, provide more privacy and soundproofing, or perhaps simply provide an aesthetically pleasing accent within your home.

At Up the Wall Gardens, we feature a wide variety of vertical garden systems and plants to help bring the natural world into your space. Here are a few types to consider based on your surroundings and needs. If you have questions about choosing the right plants, you can always contact us to discuss your options.

No Maintenance, Soundproofing-Privacy Screening

Moss panels that mount to the wall, as well as room dividers are a great way to improve your workplace or home office. Moss panels require zero watering or maintenance and they also have acoustic benefits to help soundproof a noisy space. The room dividers in particular come in configurable sizes and are mounted on wheels, allowing for a flexible privacy screening solution. And unlike most acoustic panels, they create a natural and striking accent to your space.

Varying Space Sizes

For a large spaces with a blank wall to fill, the grid and tray system is a perfect way to add texture and natural foliage. These systems also come in smaller sizes (20 inch vs 30 inch trays) as well as the living art planter. You can also mix and match a variety of plants such as Dracaenas, Pothos, Philodendron, Spathiphyllum, Ferns, Arrowhead, Croton, Nephthytis, Palms or Spiders. All of which contain the health benefits of removing toxins from the air and help with regulating humidity.

The framed vertical gardens and mini vertical gardens are a great way to compliment any vertical space large or small. Several gardens can fill a larger wall, while a single framed garden or mini garden.

Mixed Sunlight

Both the Pothos and Philodendron are great plants that require a low amount of maintenance. The Pothos plant is a great choice for mixed settings since it tends to do well in low sunlight and it may be the perfect choice for a bathroom or an office without a lot of natural sunlight as a result. While in contrast the Philodendron requires more sunlight to flourish but is known for easily adapting to its surroundings.

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