Large and Mini Framed Gardens - Perfect for any space

Up the Wall Gardens offers framed vertical gardens in a variety of sizes, plant configurations and types of frames. They are ideal for spaces big or small and can perfectly compliment your home, office, or retail storefront.

Add a Pop of Color

In this home setting, two large framed gardens can be the perfect way to accent a blank wall of brick, sheetrock or concrete. Shown are two of our most vibrant gardens both using a Walnut Frame. Shop the Popping Spider and Spider Garden Live

Mix and Match to Create Symmetry

Mix and match gardens with the same plant configurations and frames to create a reflection on your vertical space. Two of each kind stacked on a large wall is a great way to bring the natural world inside to your cafe or restaurant. Shop the Croton Joy, Birds Nest Wonder or Cascading Spider.

Building Blocks of Mini Gardens


The Mini Vertical Gardens are an inexpensive way to build a vertical garden scheme over time. Buy one, several or build your vertical collection over time to fill out your space. Mix and match gray, black and brown frames with a mix of Philo, Maranta and Fern plant arrangements.

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